“Promoting UPcycling in Circular Economy through INNovation and education for creative industries in MEDiterranean cities".
Med Cities face the problem of overwhelming waste production demanding effective management. Circular Economy (CE) may offer a solution to this challenge, as it changes the production/consumption model by reintroducing waste in the production cycle. The Med cities may thus benefit from embracing circularity principles in terms of creating resilient urban environments & communities, establishing a supportive framework for SMEs development & networking.
Notwithstanding the current socioGeconomic, technological & environmental disparities between EUMC & MPC, Southern & Northern cities share common cultural & traditional characteristics. Also, it is generally known that the Cultural & Creative Industries (CCIs) present a remarkable percentage of the total Med Cities urban production. Therefore, building on their common identity by integrating into their productive schemes the circular principles could lead to the extrapolation of new added value for the local communities. Some of the main outputs of INNOMEDGUP benefiting CCI SMEs and local urban communities are CCIs support services in terms of knowledge & innovation, networking at local and crossGborder level, clustering methodologies & smart tools, services on building innovation capacity and better access to financing tools.
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